
Blogs and Announcements
A hand writes down SMART goals on a notebook.
Marty Petty and Shelley Broader speaking on stage
Former Tampa Bay Exec and Chico’s CEO Shelley Broader Discusses Changing Retail in St. Pete Visit
Marty Petty, president and CEO of the MPetty Group, and Chico's FAS CEO Shelley Broader on stage at a women's leadership luncheon at the Vinoy hotel.
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Marty Petty meeting Senator John McCain
I Was Privileged to Meet Senator John McCain
I met Senator and presidential candidate McCain on June 5, 2008. I could not help but wonder what McCain’s scores would have been had he experienced the unique assessment we use in our work today with teams and individuals.
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Kyle Taylor, Founder & CEO of The Pennyhoarder
The Penny Hoarder Hires the MPetty Group to Help Develop Team Members as Organization Grows
As the company continues to grow rapidly, MPetty Group is providing feedback, helping with adjustment to change, and developing paths for advancement
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Difficult Conversations with Employees
No one likes to have them. But difficult conversations are a part of doing business — especially when you’re a manager or business owner. Read the Business Observer article by Beth Luberecki.
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